Message from the President

Feb 2025


March 29, 2025, -Saturday, 1:00 p.m., bowling at Greengarden Lanes, 1583 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-864-2642, followed by lunch across the street at McGarry's Oakwood Cafe Irish Pub, 1624 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-866-0552 - hosted by Lynn SaGurney. More information sent closer to the event date.
-Watkins Glen in April - Art McLean will check into the dates.
April Saturday to be determined - breakfast at Sprague's.
-May 18 {NOTE DATE CHANGE} Saturday meeting at Mayville Park - Carlson Bldg. - "Let's get this party started!" potluck dinner like we did last year!

Chautauqua County Corvette Club Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Greg Paterniti, President, brought the meeting to order at 7:00. Twenty-four members were present for our annual Christmas dinner. We ordered off a limited menu and enjoyed a delicious meal with our Corvette friends.

November 21, 2024 meeting minutes and Treasurer's report were deferred until our next meeting to be held on a Saturday in May, 2025.

Old Business-Emailed votes and ballots completed at the dinner unanimously elected Paula Arndt to a 3-year Director position. All were in favor. Passed.
Current term expiration dates and positions are as follows:
Greg Paterniti - President Exp. 12/31/2026;
Lynn SaGurney - Vice President Exp. 12/31/2025;
Robin Brown/Diane Paterniti - Co-Secretaries Exp. 12/31/2026;
Victor Anderson - Director Exp. 12/31/2026 (Pat Deering);
Art McLean - Director Exp. 12/31/2025 (Ted Okerlund);
Paula Arndt - Director Exp. 12/31/2027.

-Andy collected 2025 Membership dues.
Recap of 2025 activities in the "works" talked about at the November meeting:
-Saturday, March 29, 2025, 1:00 p.m., bowling at Greengarden Lanes, 1583 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-864-2642, followed by lunch across the street at McGarry's Oakwood Cafe Irish Pub, 1624 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-866-0552 - hosted by Lynn SaGurney. More information sent closer to the event date.
-Watkins Glen in April - Art McLean will check into the dates.
April Saturday to be determined - breakfast at Sprague's.
-May Saturday to be determined for our meeting at Mayville Park - "Let's get this party started!" potluck dinner like we did last year!
New Business – none

From the Floor - nothing.
Carla Kaverman won the $80 50/50. 12 Poinsettia's were raffled off. Members participated in a "White Elephant" gift exchange. A fun time was had by all!
Motion to adjourn made by Diane, second by Jane. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:15.

Thursday, November 21, 2024
Lakewood Rod & Gun Club
Welcome - President, Greg Paterniti

Treasurer’s Report and 2025 Membership renewal - Andy McLean
Review Meeting Minutes from 9-19-24 and 10-17-24 - Diane Paterniti

Old Business
-Club Christmas Party, Sat., Dec. 7th, at Andriaccio's, 6:00 cocktails, 6:30 dinner. Appetizers and dessert provided by CCCC.
24 RSVPs: Anderson (2), Dupler (2), McLean (2), Angelo (2), Kaverman (2), G.Paterniti (2), Bernhardt (2), Bates (2), Arntz/Reiff (2), R. Mackowiak (2), Titus (1), Meinke (3). Reservations taken until Saturday, November 30th - contact Diane Paterniti 716-490-1339.
-Elections - approve slate of one Director, Paula Arntz, up for her own 3-year term (currently finishing out Diane Paterniti's term). Paula was not in attendance at the October meeting, but indicated she is willing to be nominated for this position. There were no nominations from the floor.

New Business
-Saturday, March 29, 2025, 1:00 p.m., bowling at Greengarden Lanes, 1583 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-864-2642, followed by lunch across the street at McGarry's Oakwood Cafe Irish Pub, 1624 W. 38th St., Erie, PA, 814-866-0552 - hosted by Lynn SaGurney.
-Saturday to be determined in April 2025 - breakfast at Sprague's..
-May meeting at Mayville Park - Potluck dinner like we did last year!
2024 Meeting Schedule
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - Andriaccio's. 6:00 cocktails, 6:30 dinner.
From the Floor

Chautauqua County Corvette Club
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Lakewood Rod & Gun Club
Lynn SaGurney, Vice-President, called meeting to order at 6:00 pm with 15 members in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report and Membership update – Andy McLean

$2950.79 (checking)

PO Box $50 payment coming up soon.

Dues now being accepted $40 until Jan 31st, $50 after. Applications must be filled out every year for insurance purposes.
Motion to accept by: Sue Benjamin, 2nd Don Angelo - Passed.

Meeting Minutes from 9-19-24: No review, therefore no motion - to be done at November meeting.

Old Business
-Letchworth State Park cruise, Sun., Sept. 22nd - Lynn SaGurney
-Club Christmas Party, Sat., Dec. 7th, at Andriaccio's, 6:00 cocktails, 6:30 dinner.
Look at attached menu and chose dinner options. I didn't include pizza, calzones, hand-helds,
New Business
-Elections - the only officer up for election is Paula Arntz who is currently finishing out Diane Paterniti's officer's term. This will be for a full 3-year term. Paula was not in attendance, but has indicated she is willing to be nominated again for this position.
-Nominations - None from the floor.

2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted
-November 21st - Lakewood Rod & Gun, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - Andriaccio's. 6:00 cocktails, 6:30 dinner.
From the Floor
Motion to adjourn by: Rod Dupler, 2nd by Sue Benjamin - Passed.
Meeting adjourned at: 6:35 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Jane Anderson, subbing for Diane Paterniti
50-50: $20 total; $10 to winner, Sue Benjamin.

Meeting Minutes

Greg Paterniti, President, called meeting to order at 6:08 pm with 14 members in attendance
Treasurer’s Report and Membership update – Andy McLean
Current balance $2,902.79 total in funds (Raised $703.00 for Dave & Chris Paterniti’s house fire; spent $973.00 on picnic, paid $533.00 Erie Insurance; received (1) new 2024 member – Joe & Kim; 2025 Membership – Fred)
Motion to accept by: Gene Brown, 2nd by: Vic Anderson - Passed

Meeting Minutes from 8-24-24: Motion to accept by: Andy McLean, 2nd by: Jane Anderson - Passed

Old Business
Mystery Car Cruise on Sat., Aug. 24th. Venango Valley Inn and Golf Course attended by 15 members and 10 cars. It was a beautiful venue and we had a great lunch!
Lockport Locks and NY Beer Project - We had 8 members and 4 cars. Very interesting tour and a delicious lunch.
Merritt Winery Car Show event as a Club was cancelled due to 2 cars signing up.
Monday, Sept. 9th, Skyline Corvette Club of Reading, PA meet and greet and Southern Tier Winery - Andy McLean.
Sat., Sept. 14th, Southern Tier Classic Chevy Fall Cruise-In at Bemus Point Tap House. 13 Corvettes, 11 from our Club attended! We may have a couple new members, as well!

New Business
Andy spoke of 9/9/24 meeting with Skyline Corvette Club (15 cars & 27 members). Next year is their 60th Anniversary NY-PA Tour. They invited us to their July, 2025, car show. Details to follow next year.
Thank you note was read from Dave & Kris Paterniti about overwhelming support at house fire picnic fundraiser. They are proceeding with new build. PAGE 2
Lynn SaGurney detailed Sun., Sept. 22nd, car cruise to Letchworth State Park/lunch Glen Iris Inn. 6 cars so far.
Meet/leave Route 60 Jamestown Park & Ride at 8:30 am.
Diane reserved Andriaccio's for the Saturday, Dec. 7th, Club Christmas Party. Fall/Winter Menu will be available in October to narrow down the party menu options.
2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted
-October 17th - Lakewood Rod & Gun, 6:00 pm
-November 21st - Lakewood Rod & Gun, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - Andriaccio's

From the Floor
Discussion/confirmation of voting included: Nominating at November Meeting; Voting at December Meeting. Gene will check about term expirations since pandemic created partial term-years due to no meetings during that time. Gene research & will send e-mail confirmation to Greg. Any further discussion will follow at October Meeting.
Motion to adjorn by: Rod Dupler, 2nd by: Jane Anderson - Passed
Meeting adjorned at: 6:28
Respectfully Submitted, Robin Brown, Co-Secretary

Thursday, August 24, 2024
Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Pavilion
Welcome – Greg Paterniti, President, called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 49 members were present for our Annual CCCC Picnic. A BBQ chicken dinner was catered by 3Cs, Falcon's Nest, Falconer. Corn on the cob was purchased by the Club and several members brought desserts. 4 dinners were raffled off. $146 was won by the 50/50 winner, Scott Clauson. Several members donated 12 baskets and Lynn SaGurney donated a quilt for a raffle to benefit members David/Kris Paterniti who lost everything in a January house fire. A total of $1,453 was raised for them! Thank you very much for your generosity!
Treasurer’s Report and Membership update – Andy McLean We have $4,302.56 in the checkbook before our Club liability insurance and today's dinner were paid. 2 new members joined the Club at the dinner and were able to join us for the meal! Welcome Joe and Kimberly!

Meeting Minutes from 6-20-24 – Diane Paterniti Motion to accept by Lynn SaGurney, second by Barry Benjamin. Passed.

Old Business
Fall Maine trip was cancelled due to lack of participation.

New Business
Sat., Aug. 24 - Tomorrow! Mystery Car Cruise and lunch, hosted by Lynn SaGurney! We have 10 cars and 15 members attending.
Sat., Aug. 31 - Lockport Locks and NY Beer Project, hosted by Greg/Diane Paterniti. So far, we have 11 members attending. Lock tour website is:

Sun., Sept. 8 - Merritt Estate Winery Car Show, 12-6:00. We'll leave Jamestown Route 60, N. Main St., Park 'n' Ride at 9:00 a.m. All drivers will receive a $5.00 voucher. Remember your wine slush cups and lawn chairs!
Website for this event:
Mon., Sept. 9 - Meet and greet with Skyline Corvette Club of Reading, PA, hosted by Andy McLean. A separate email will be sent to members for attendance responses. Let's give them a warm CCCC welcome!
Sat., Sept. 14 - Southern Tier Classic Chevy Fall Cruise-In at Bemus Point Tap House, 1-5:00 p.m. Live band, food - part of Bemus Point Fall Festival. Website for this event:

2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted
-September 12th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-October 17th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-November 21st - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - location TBD
From the Floor - Nothing
Adjorn - Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:30 by Chris Bernhardt, second by Dee Tretheway. Passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Paterniti, Secretary


Thursday, August 22nd, Annual CCCC Picnic, 6:00 Chicken BBQ dinner, 2 sides, corn on the cob, dessert, 50/50, basket raffle to benefit David/Kris Paterniti (house fire). If you're able to donate a basket, please let Diane know. 35 reservations made: Anderson, Ball, Bates,Benjamin, Bernhardt, Brown, Clauson/Gustafson, Delaplaine, Graham,Jones, Kaverman, McLean, Meinke, Paterniti, D/K, Paterniti, G/D Reiff/Arntz, Rosenberg/Casillo-Young, Ruttenbur, SaGurney, Staley,Tretheway. Please contact Diane Paterniti at 716-490-1339 by Thursday,August 15th if you plan to attend. No charge for members; single members may bring one guest at no charge.

Saturday, August 24th, mystery cruise hosted by Lynn SaGurney. Leave from the old Sears Tire Center, Mall Blvd, at 9:00 a.m. to travel to a mystery lunch destination. Reservations made: Angelo, Ball, Delaplaine,Kaverman, Reiff/Arntz, Paterniti, G/D, SaGurney, Titus. Please contact Lynn at 716-640-0803 by Saturday, August 15th if you plan to attend.

Saturday, August 31st, Lockport locks tour and lunch at New York Beer
Leave Rt. 60, North Main St., Jamestown Park 'n' Ride at 7:45 a.m. sharp. It is a two-hour drive and our tour begins at 10:00. There is parking close by at All Saints Church. Short walk around the block to start the walking tour of the Lockport locks.....walk, listen, walk, listen - tour is about 200 yards long with stops along the way. At 11:00, there is a demonstration of a boat going through the locks.$10 senior cost. Prepay on their website (copy and paste to your browser): On their main webpage, scroll down to "Make your reservations Lockport Flight of five Lock Tenders tour", make sure you select Saturday, August 31st, then follow prompts on the computer screens as noted in attached pictures - Greg and I have already made our reservation. After our tour, we will drive to New York Beer Project, 6933 S. Transit Road, Lockport for lunch. Drive home after lunch or you can enjoy more of what Lockport has to offer! Once you've paid your registration, please let me know you'll be attending! Contact me with any questions at 716-490-1339. Thanks, Diane Paterniti
Monday, September 9th (tentative) - Skyline Corvette Club, Reading, PA, will be at Southern Tier Brewery, 2072 Stoneman Circle, Lakewood, NY, and would like to meet up with our club and do some touring of the area. Andy McLean will provide details at a later date.

2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted
-August 22nd - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Pavilion Picnic
-September 12th - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club 6:00 pm
-October 17th - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club, 6:00 pm
-November 21st - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - location TBD

Chautauqua County Corvette Club
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Lakewood Rod & Gun Club

Welcome – Greg Paterniti, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed 17 members. Greg/Diane Paterniti, Jane/Vic Anderson, Lynn SaGurney, Art/Andy McLean, Dee Tretheway, Ron Graham, Fred Mackowiak, Bob Ball, Don/Sue Angelo, Bob/Carla Kaverman, Rick Reiff/Paula Arntz.
Treasurer’s Report and Membership update – Andy McLean Motion made, seconded and approved.
Meeting Minutes from 5-16-24 – Diane Paterniti Motion made, seconded and approved.

Old Business
-Golf Scramble tentatively scheduled for June 8 or 15 has been cancelled due to lack of participation.
-Thurs., July 4th Warren Parade - We will not be participating in this event this year.
-Sat., July 20th Fundraiser for David/Kris Paterniti update – Diane Paterniti. A separate email will be sent to membership with more details. RSVP to Diane P. by email, text/call 716-490-1339.
The following members have signed up: Lynn S., Paula/Rick, Don/Sue A., Bob/Carla K., Dee T.,
Art/Andy M., Jane/Vic A., Greg/Diane P., Bob Ball.
-Watkins Glen track time/Captain Bill's lake cruise - No new information.
-Fall Maine trip, Thurs. Sept 19-Friday, Sept 27 – Reminder to make your hotel reservations before the cutoff dates.

New Business - Nothing.

Car Shows/Events
-Sunday, June 23rd - Bob Kaverman suggested a cruise to Ellicottville Distillery, Rt. 242. Music 2-5, and a car show. Meet at Route 60 Park 'n' Ride at 1:00 if interested. Weather doesn't look to be very good.
-Sunday, July 21st - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Car Show. We would like to reserve the spot we had last year! More info as it becomes available.
Signed up: Lynn S., Rick/Paula, Fred M., Bob K., Don/Sue A., Art/Andy M., Vic/Jane A., Greg P., Bob
Ball. Contact Greg P. at 716-490-1252 if you will be attending.
-Monday, September 9th – Andy McLean. Skyline Corvette Club, Reading, PA, will be at Southern Tier Brewery, 2072 Stoneman Circle, Lakewood, NY. Time of event to be determined.

2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted
-Saturday, July 20th - New York Beer Project
-PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! Thurs., August 22 - Annual Picnic Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Pavilion
-September 12th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-October 17th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-November 21st - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - location TBD
From the Floor - Nothing.
Adjorn - At 6:40
Diane Paterniti

May Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 pm by President, Greg Paterniti. 23 members were present - Greg/Diane Paterniti, Lynn SaGurney, Robin/Gene Brown, Art/Andy McLean, Victory/Jane Anderson, Chuck/Helen Bates, Bob/Carla Kaverman, Bill/Brenda Jones, Charlie/Rita Jaynes, David Paterniti, Paula Arntz/Rick Reiff, Glen Arner (new member), Don/Sue Angelo.

Prior to the meeting, all enjoyed a delicious pot-luck lunch, with the club providing Sahlen's hot dogs/buns! Thank you to Lynn SaGurney for organizing and to Robin/Gene Brown for reserving the Carlson Center. It was a lovely place for our get together!
Motion by Gene Brown, 2nd by Andy McLean to approve the March and April 2024 meeting minutes. Passed.
Andy McLean presented the Treasurer's Report. Checkbook balance is $4,360.02! One payment for April meeting bowling food bill. We currently have 38 memberships. Motion by Diane to approve, 2nd by Lynn SaGurney. Passed.

Old Business

-April 6/7th - Watkins Glen Opening Day - no one attended due to weather.
-April 28th - Quaker Steak 'n' Lube car show - 10 cars attended. It was suggested that we go to Hickory Bar & Grill in Hermitage, PA, for lunch instead of eating at the venue. All agreed!
-Sat. June 8 or 15 - golf scramble outing at Mount Grove course in Waterford, PA - about 6 members are interested. Lynn will further pursue.
-July 4th Warren Parade - right now, only 3 definite and 1 maybe have signed up. We need at least 5 cars to attend. Bill Jones is our contact person.
-July 20th (tentative) Fundraiser for David/Kris Paterniti - Diane will be talking to Michael Kauffman from New York Beer Project in Lockport, NY regarding reserving a room. We will be cruising there for lunch and perhaps beer tasting. A basket raffle and 50/50 will be held. Tours of the locks and other local interests may also take place.
-Watkins Glen track time/Captain Bill's lake cruise - coordinate these two events. Suggested this be an overnight trip due to the length of travel. Art McLean is checking on track dates.
-Fall Maine trip - dates changed to Thurs. Sept 19th to Friday, Sept 27th, due to difficulty finding appropriately priced hotel rooms. Members suggested several points of interest.....Yankee Candle Factory, Mount Washington, VT, VT Country Store, Stockbridge, MA, etc. Members will look up where we've stayed on past Maine trips.

New Business

-Passing of Sherena Titus - wife of member, Bill Titus. A sympathy card was circulated and mailed to Bill.

Car Shows/Events

-Saturday, May 18th - Bairs Corvette Show, 316 Franklin St., Linesville, PA (near Meadville)
-Sunday, May 26th - Annual Sugar Grove Car Show, at Elementary School, 101 School St., Sugar Grove, PA, 4-8 pm. $5 entry fee goes to Soldiers and Sailors and Sugar Grove Volunteer Fire Department.
-Saturday, June 1st - Car show at Ed Shultz Warren Used Car Lot, 4000 Market St., Warren, PA. $10.00 entry fee goes to Odd Fellows.
-Sunday, July 21st - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Car Show. We would like to reserve the spot we had last year! More info as it becomes available.
-Monday, September 9th (tentative) - Skyline Corvette Club, Reading, PA, will be at Southern Tier Brewery, 2072 Stoneman Circle, Lakewood, NY, and would like to meet up with our club and do some touring of the area. Andy McLean will provide details at a later date.

2024 Meeting Schedule - all Thursdays unless noted

-June 20 - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, July 20th - New York Beer Project
-August 15 - Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Pavilion Picnic
-September 12th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-October 17th - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-November 21st - Lkwd R & G, 6:00 pm
-Saturday, December 7th - Christmas party - location TBD

From the Floor
-Sunday, June 23rd - Bob Kaverman suggested a cruise to Ellicottville Distillery, Rt. 242. Music 2-5, and a car show. Meet at Route 60 Park 'n' Ride at 1:00 if interested
Motion by Robin Brown, 2nd Lynn SaGurney to adjorn the meeting at 2:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Paterniti, Co-Secretary

The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Lynn Sagurney at 6PM with 9 members present. • OLD BUSINESS: The Christmas Party, held at Andriaccio’s was mentioned. Those present would attend at this location again. • TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance as of March 5,2024 is $4441.87
April 18 Meeting will be at the Jamestown Bowling Company. The dining room will be made available for our meeting. Food can be ordered off the menu, or the club could pay for pizza and wings as has been done in the past. Watkins Glen Opening day: weekend of April 6&7. Those present thought a day later in the season would be more practical;perhaps in August, with an overnight stay. The dinner cruise on Captain Bills was also a possibility. May 11 Meeting will be held at Mayville Park, in the meeting room, at PM. Bring a dish to pass, own picnic ware, and beverage of choice. A meeting will follow. June 8th or 15th golf outing at Mount Grove course in Waterford, PA. (this is not a meeting) July 4th Parade. The club will participate in the parade if there is enough interest. Further information will be provided nearer to the event. August 15 : Annual club picnic at Lakewood Rod and Gun Pavilion September: possible cruise from Southern Tier Brewery with a club from Pennsylvania, around Labor Day. Details to be finalized. Fall Trip: There are presently 12 cars interested in the fall trip to Maine. Dates for travel are Sept 12-Sept 21. Meeting was adjourned at 6:35PM. So moved by Jane Anderson, seconded by Lynn Sagurney. Respectfully submitted. Jane Anderson

Excerpted from our BOD meeting in January: Donation: Members Kris and David Paterniti lost everything in a house fire on Monday, January 22nd. Discussion was held and decision made to hold a "benefit event" for Kris and Dave. This will be held as a car cruise on a Saturday in July at New York Beer Project in Lockport, NY and be similar to the Tim SaGurney benefit. A basket raffle and 50/50 will also be held. PAGE

House Fire

David & Kristina Paterniti, one of our members, home burned and was totally destroyed this past Sunday. They lost everything! (except the garage). They are set for clothes for the moment.
If you would like to help, there have been the following accounts set up: venmo to @Kristina-Paterniti, or
Paypal to
Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Dec 2023 Meeting Minutes

Chautauqua County Corvette Club Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Andriaccio's Restaurant

Greg Paterniti, interim President, brought the meeting to order at 7:15. Thirty-two members were present for our annual Christmas dinner. We ordered off a limited menu and enjoyed a delicious meal with our Corvette friends.

November 16, 2023 meeting minutes and Treasurer's report were deferred until our next meeting to be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

Old Business

-Andy McLean brought 13 emailed votes from members. Additional ballots were handed out to members at the dinner who hadn't voted. The slate of officers and directors, as presented, were all voted into their perspective positions:
Greg Paterniti Exp. 12/31/2026 - President;
Lynn SaGurney Exp. 12/31/2025 - Vice President;
Robin Brown/Diane Paterniti Ex. 12/31/2026 - Co-Secretaries;
Victor Anderson Exp. 12/31/2026 (Pat Deering) - Director;
Art McLean Exp. 12/31/2025 (Ted Okerlund) - Director;
Paula Arntz Exp. 12/31/2024 (Diane Paterniti) - Director.

-Andy collected 2024 Membership dues. We welcomed new members Carey Casillo-Young/Ron Rosenberg!
-Spring 2024 Trip and Fall 2024 Trip sign up sheets were circulated. 18 (9 cars) have indicated an interest in the Spring trip; 22 (11 cars) have indicated an interest in the Fall trip to Maine.

New Business - none
From the Floor - nothing brought up.
Mollie Staley won the $100 50/50. 9 Poinsettia's were raffled off. Members participated in a "White Elephant" gift exchange. A fun time was had by all!
Motion to adjourn made by Diane, second by Lynn. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Paterniti, Co-Secretary

Nov 2023 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Honest John's Pizza
Greg Paterniti, interim President, brought the meeting to order at 6:20. Twelve members were in attendance for dinner and the meeting. Greg/Diane Paterniti, Bill Jones, Don/Sue Angelo, Bob/Carla Kaverman, Vic/Jane Anderson, Art/Andy McLean, Lynn SaGurney.

Thank you to Lynn SaGurney for arranging our pizza/wing buffet dinner at Honest John's prior to our monthly meeting. It was delicious!
October 19, 2023 meeting minutes were distributed. Motion by Lynn, second by Andy to approve. Passed.

Andy gave the Treasurer's Report of revenue and expenses since our last meeting. Balance in the checkbook is $3,201.83. Motion by Jane, second by Don to approve. Passed. Upcoming expenses are appetizer and dessert for the Christmas party.

Old Business
-Slate of Officers and Directors to be presented to membership was reviewed. All nominations are closed as of this meeting. Ballot information: Greg Paterniti - President; Lynn SaGurney, Vice President, Robin Brown/Diane Paterniti - Co-Secretaries, Art McLean (Ted Okerlund) - Director, Victor Anderson (Pat Deering)- Director, Paula Arndt (Diane Paterniti) - Director.
**Each member is permitted to vote. Ballots will be emailed to the address(es) on file. If only one (1) person in your household receives Club email, you may send 2 emails to Andy - just indicate the name of the person sending the ballot.

REPLY only (not REPLY ALL) to Andy with your votes. You may also print and mail your ballot(s) to the Club's PO Box. Ballots will also be available at the Holiday dinner on Saturday, December 2nd. Each member may only vote once! LOL
-We currently have 28 signed up for our Christmas Party at Andriaccio's on Saturday, December 2nd, 6:00 appetizers/6:30 dinner. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, November 28th. An email was sent to all members and a post made to the Club FB page.
-Andy spoke on 2024 Membership dues. Several members paid their 2024 dues at this meeting. We also have one new member, in addition to a couple signing up prior to the Christmas dinner! Way to go, everybody!! All members must complete an application each year (for insurance needs), and mail with their dues to CCCC, PO Box 187, Bemus Point, NY 14712 or hand deliver in person to Andy McLean, Treasurer. Applications will also be available at the Christmas party. $40 through January 31st, $50 after that.

New Business
-Andy spoke about new friends they met at Southern Tier Brewing who are members of the Skyline Drive Corvette Club in Reading, PA. They will be celebrating their 60th Club Anniversary next September 8-12, 2024. They would like to get together with our Club at Southern Tier the afternoon of either Monday, 9/9, or Tuesday, 9/10, around 4 pm at Southern Tier Brewing. They are offering 1/2 price appetizers for the group! We'll keep this on the "back burner"!

-Art is looking into a Corvette event in May 2024 at Watkins Glen.
Lynn would like to have a "Let's Get Started" get together in May 2024 after we've dusting off/cleaned up our cars! More on that to come.
-Spring and Fall 2024 trips. Sign up sheets were circulated at the meeting regarding interest in 2024 trips. 12 have indicated an interest in the Spring trip; 13 have indicated an interest in the Fall trip to Maine.

From the Floor - nothing brought up.

Motion to adjourn made by Lynn, second by Carla. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Paterniti, Co-Secretary

Oct 2023 Meeting Minutes


Interim Vice-President Lynn Sagurney called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.

11 members present: Art McLean, Andy McLean, Chris Bernhardt, Molly Staley, Barry Benjamin, Sue Benjamin, Vic Anderson, Jane Anderson, Carla Kaverman, and Bob Kaverman.
Motion to approve September 2023 minutes by Jane Anderson, seconded by Andy McLean. Passed

Treasurer’s report: current balance $2963.68. SHULTS Auto Group paid $150.00 to be a sponsor. Their logo will go on the club’s website and in the monthly newsletter. Motion by Sue Benjamin was seconded by Chris Bernhardt. Passed.

A spreadsheet of the current officers, with their re-election timetable was reviewed. Several positions are being filled by interim officers. All positions are open to anyone interested in running, except Treasurer.

In the past, ballots were finalized by November meeting, to be voted on at the annual Christmas party. Since many members are unable to attend the party, it was decided that any member has the option to vote by email no later than the date of the Christmas party. Andy McLean will mail ballots to all members.

NEW BUSINESS: The annual Christmas party will be held at Andriaccio’s Restaurant in Mayville on Saturday December 2nd. Appetizers at 6PM (provided by the club), with dinner to follow at 6:30. Ordering will be off the menu, with entrees ranging in price from $25 to $30. Dessert will also be provided by the club. Reservations to Diane Paterniti or Andie McLean no later than the November 16th meeting. A White Elephant gift exchange (max $20) for anyone wishing to participate.

Membership renewal: Dues paid by January 31, 2024 will be $40. After that date, the amount goes to $50. All members must fill out membership application every year, for insurance purposes. The form can be found on the clubs website. Mailing information is included on the application.Anyone who cannot access and print the form should contact Andie McLean.

November meeting will be held at Honest Johns Pizza at 1245 E. 2nd Street, Jamestown. We will have a private meeting room. There will be an all-you-can eat meal including soft drinks for $11.95. Meeting time will be 5:30 to accommodate the meal.

50-50 drawing was won by Sue Benjamin ($8.00), which she donated back to the club.

Thanks to Lynn for the bakery goodies.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Carla Kaverman, seconded by Andie McLean. Passed

Thursday, September 28, 2023, Lakewood Rod & Gun Club
Meeting Minutes
Interim President, Greg Paterniti, called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 14 members present - Andy McLean, Vic/Jane Anderson, Diane/Greg Paterniti, John/Lisa Cunningham, Bob/Carla Kaverman, Tom/Leslie West, Lynn SaGurney, Molly Staley, Chris Bernhardt and adorable Gizmo!
Motion by Lynn to approve the July 23rd and August 17th, 2023 meeting minutes. Carla Kaverman 2nd. Passed.
Treasurer's Report - Andy $2,919.83. Transactions since our last meeting in August - paid for BBQ and reimbursed for baskets. Income of $469. Expenses $1,062.91.
Paid $533 to Erie Insurance for liability insurance for club members if we're ever sued at a Club event.
Paid for appetizer at Mystery Cruise destination Hickory Bar & Grill.
Other income: $1,450 dues, $200 club merchandise, $355 picnic raffle, $252 50/50.
Motion by Tom West to approve Treasurer's report. Jane Anderson 2nd. Passed.
Old Business
-Don Angelo received the $150 donation from Shults and gave to Andy. He has also received their artwork and will forward to Gene Brown.
-Club insurance - we compared our insurance to NCCC (National Council of Corvette Clubs) insurance. There was only a $20 difference, so we're going to stay with what we have.
-Club picnic August 17th - best attended. 47 attended and 4 takeouts. 5 baskets and a beautiful Queen-size quilt (donated by Lynn) were raffled off.
-Mystery cruise August 19th - Lynn thanked for organizing it. 8 cars/13 people left Jamestown and traveled to Hickory Bar & Grill in Hermitage, PA. We played a very challenging scavenger hunt on the way there. The Club paid for an veggie tray appetizer.-Sprague's September 9th - 8 cars/13 people. Great ride and food!
-Fall trip to Hocking Hills - 9 cars/17 people. Jane/Vic Anderson: No water falls. John/Lisa did way more hiking than we did! Some may return in the Spring when the water is running! Thanks to Robin for recommendations to Millstone BBQ and the Big Muskie's Bucket. Visited the Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. Kaverman's traveled to Wheeling, WV on their way home. Cunningham's visited West Salem, OH drag races.
New Business
-December 2023 Officers and Board Nominations
Gary resigned/Greg as interim President (exp 2026) - vote on him (or anyone
Lynn as interim VP to replace Greg (exp 2025) - vote for her (or anyone
Diane and Robin are co-secretaries (exp 2026) - vote for them (or anyone
nominated) It doesn't have to be a shared position.
Page 2
Three Director positions:
1. Pat Deering (3 year exp 2026) Current interim is Art McLean
2. Ted Okerlund (2 year's left on term exp 2025) Current interim is Vic
3. Diane Paterniti (1 year left on term (exp 2024) No one in this position at
this time; position should have been filled when she became a co-
Nominations for these 6 positions to be received by Andy McLean; her email is by the November 16th meeting. Email ballot of slate of officers/directors will be sent to the membership after that. Create a new email to Andy only and vote until the Christmas Party on Dec 2nd or 9th (to be determined), or vote in person that night. You can only vote once!!!
Possible club cruises:
-PA Lumber Museum - October 7th
-Zippo Lighter Museum, Bradford, PA - 9am - 5 pm Mon-Sat.; 11-4 Sun.
-Trip to Benezette, PA - Elk breeding season.
-Fall Trip 2024 - Lynn suggested a Fall trip to Maine. Gene will help with routes.
-Fall Trip 2025 - Diane suggested Indianapolis to drive on the track, Bloomington, IN, etc.
-Christmas Party - usually held at Landmark Restaurant. Possible dates are Saturday, December 2nd or 9th. The recurring issue at the Landmark is the parking conflict due to the Jamestown Christmas Parade. Diane will check to see if a date has been decided. We will check with other local restaurants, including Webb's, Belleview East, Maplehurst, Andriaccio's, Moonbrook, Pine Junction, for their availability and information.
Thank you to Lisa Cunningham for her delicious tray of assorted cookies! They were delicious.
Motion by Tom West to adjourn meeting. Jane Anderson 2nd. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Next meeting will be Thursday, October 19th, at Lakewood Rod & Gun Club.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Paterniti, Co-Secretary

Apr 2023
It is that time of the year when we get those great cars out of storage and ready for the road. Hopefully, we will have an early spring so we can enjoy these great cars. A few dates for you to mark in your book for the coming year are as follows:

April 20th our first official club meeting at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club starting at 6:00 pm
May 18th same as above
June 15th same as above
July 20th TBA as this is our annual dinner/cruise.
August 17th the club’s annual picnic
September 21st club meeting at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club starting at 6:00 pm
October 19th same as above
November 16th same as above
December Christmas Party TBA
Note: We have several new members so please remember to bring your name tags. Also, there will be several important announcements at this meeting.
Last but not least, Sandy and I would like to wish everyone a very Blessed and Happy Easter. Gary

Dec 2022

The holiday season is upon us and even though these times can be troubling, we still have a lot to be thankful for living in the country that we do. Let’s not lose sight of that fact as we celebrate with our families during this blessed holiday season.

The clubs Christmas Party is set for December 16th at the Landmark Restaurant in Jamestown, NY. I hope you have let either Andy or Diane know your plans for this club event, as they always make it such a great time.

Not a lot of club things going on at this time of year as most of us have put our cars up in storage, unless of course, you move to warmer climates this time of year. You all should know by now that we have a few club BOD positions coming up at the end of this year. On November 28th I sent out an e-mail with a ballot attached for everyone to fill out and mail in or bring it to the clubs Christmas Party on the 16th of December. That ballot is, also, attached for your files and actions.

Sandy and I would like to wish all our members and their families a safe and blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year filled with good health and happiness for the coming year. Keep checking your e-mails for possible winter club activities. We are looking forward to the spring and those famous words, Gentlemen Start Your Engines. Gary

Nov, 2022

The message this month will focus on getting elections for our club back on track from the extensions used during the pandemic period. Most of you are aware of the clubs Board of Directors/Officers terms being extended during this time. However, all BOD members agreed to continue their terms until such time we could properly address the election cycles. On our last BOD meeting on 9-13-21 some of this was discussed, but it was not formally voted on by the membership as required in our By-Laws. The following is part of the minutes of that meeting that relates to the BOD elections. It was suggested and approved by the BOD at the meeting to adjust the terms for the Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) by staggering them instead of having them all expire at the same time. With that in mind the following changes were approved by the BOD’s, the Vice President and Treasurer in the same year with President and Secretary terms to be held the following year. Each pair of officers would be for a three-year term. The current By-Laws states that these terms are for a two-year period and all officers’ terms expired at the same time. By staggering these four positions, we believe that it provides a more uniform election process and makes finding board members much easier. The Directorships will each remain a three-year term and elections will continue to be for one directorship position each year. The Directorship expiring this year is that of Ted Okerlund. At the November meeting we should have the names of three BOD members interested in supporting the club in these areas for the next three years. These positions are as follows, a Vice President and Treasurer and one Directorship. As noted, all these positions are for a three-year term. Below you will find an updated BOD election cycle for your review.



President, Gary Baldensperger, now a three-year term ending in 2023 Vice President, Greg Paterniti, now a three-term ending in 2022 Treasurer, Andrea McLean, now a three-term ending in 2022 Co-Secretaries, Diane Paterniti and Robin Brown, now a three-year term ending 2023

NOTE: The change to a three-year term for all Officers, as approved by the BOD, will be voted on at the November meeting as required by the current BY-Laws.


Ted Okerlund, a three-year term ending in 2022 Pat Deering, a three-year term ending in 2023 Diane Paterniti, a three-term ending in 2024 NOTE: Andy has sent out a notice for this year’s Christmas Party for Friday December 16th at the Landmark Restaurant in Jamestown, NY. More details will follow, but mark this date down.

A reminder that our November meeting is on Thursday the 17th at 6:00 pm at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club in Lakewood, NY. Remember to bring your name tags and if you would like to join other club members for dinner, prior to the meeting, let one of our corvette club members who is, also, a Lakewood Rod & Gun Club members know that you would like to have dinner prior to our meeting so they can get you in as their guest. Dinners start at 4:30 pm and they do not accept credit cards so plan accordingly. Finally, Sandy and I would like to wish all the members and their families a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Oct 2022

October has arrived and with it comes the rain and the fall season which provides us with some of the most colorful scenery in the country. This should allow us to enjoy a few cruises of sightseeing in our general areas before we need to be thinking of storage for our cars. Generally, the middle part of October is the peak of the leaves for our area, so let’s get out and enjoy these final days of driving on our country roads before the white stuff changes the landscape.
The last few weeks have provided some growth in our club membership and a solid outlook for the club’s future. For several years, because of covid, we could not meet with members or even plan for any club events, so hopefully that time is now behind us. While the future still will have challenges, I see a bright outlook for our club, and it is up to all of us to contribute to this movement. All clubs are dependent on its membership to grow and keep the organization moving forward. New members bring fresh ideas and input into the club functions which helps to improve future activities for its membership. Let’s all look for ways to continue this increase in our membership to keep the Chautauqua County Corvette Club alive and growing.
We are working on at least one more cruise for the near future and possibly two depending on the weather and road conditions. More on these in the coming days so keep checking your e-mails
.As most of you probably know, Greg & Diane Paterniti planned and just returned from a weeklong trip with other club members to the state of Michigan. I am sure that we all are interested in hearing about the trip and the things they were able to visit.
The past several years has created many challenges for most clubs with the pandemic and it has had many impacts on our club as well. One thing that I would like is to get back into a normal election rotation with our directors and club officers.
A reminder that our October meeting is on Thursday the 20th at 6:00 pm at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club in Lakewood, NY. Remember to bring your name tags and if you would like to join other club members for dinner, prior to the meeting, let one of our corvette club members who is, also, a Lakewood Rod & Gun Club members know that you would like to have dinner prior to our meeting so they can get you in as their guest. Dinners start at 4:30 pm and they do not accept credit cards so plan accordingly. One last thought is for all of us to be thinking and praying for our families, friends and all those that have been impacted by Hurricane Ian. The destruction was beyond anything we could have imagined. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those that have been and will be affected by this major storm.

Sept 2022

The fall season is just around the corner bringing a lot of colorful driving area for us to visit. The next two months will provide us with many loca-tions to enjoy and travel through as the leaves in our area start to display their famous colors.
We have had several new members join our club in the last few weeks and this is good news for everyone. New members bring new ideas and thoughts about possible club activities for the future. When we have our meetings and or other club functions, be sure to make these new mem-bers welcome to our great corvette club. We were all new members at one time so let’s make everyone feel welcome. The September meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 15th start-ing at 6:00 pm at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club, so let’s plan to have our biggest turn out for the summer. I, also, want to remind everyone whether you are a Lakewood Rod & Gun Club (LWRGC) member or not, you are welcome to join our corvette club members, that are LWRGC members, for dinner prior to the meeting at the club. Just inform the person at the door that you are there for the corvette meeting and they will allow you en-try. All you need to do is let a LWRG member know that you would like to join others for dinner prior to the club meeting. NOTE: The restaurant does not accept credit cards so plan accordingly. If you would like to have dinner prior to the meeting they start serving at 4:30 pm.

Check out our club web site as things are always being updated by Richard McCorrison. We, also, now have one of our newest members, Jeff Storrs Sr, taken on the responsibility of updating our club calendar with upcoming activi-ties.

Saturday, September 3rd, we are planning a cruise to the Beef’ N Barrel restau-rant in Olean, NY and then cruising the countryside with a stop at the Cuba Cheese Factory and a scenic ride around Cuba Lake. Weather looks good for this event so if you have not signed up yet, what are you waiting for? This is why you purchased that great car so get out and enjoy it and have fun with members of your club before the driving season is over with for this year.

I hope to see a great turn out for the cruise on Sept. 3rd. Take care and drive safely and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day week-end.


Aug 2022

August has arrived and with it some great weather, unless your lawn needs watered as most of ours do these days. Let’s look at the positive things we have going for our club. On August 7th Fred Mackowiak is leading a group from our club to the Cor-vettes of Buffalo cruise to support (Kids Against Drugs). Fred has sent out the details on this cruise, as well as the meeting point. A great cause and a nice ride with plenty of corvettes and a police escort for most of the cruise.

On August 18th is our annual club picnic which is always our most attended function of the season held at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club pavilion in Lakewood, NY. The picnic will start at 6:00 pm and is generally over by 9:00 pm. Catering this year will once again be handled by All American BBQ, which is the com-pany that we have used for the past several years.

Sandy and I are planning a cruise for the near future with more details to follow. In fact, we did a dry run last week and it was not a good trip. Several of the main roads had just been tarred and chipped and our planned stops were not good either. That’s why it is always a good idea to do these dry runs as things change. However, we have alternatives, and it will require an-other dry run to check things out.I have put out an e-mail related to a possible trip to Watkins Glen and three laps on the track. If we get enough interest, we can discuss this at the pic-nic. If not, there is always next spring for opening day in April, which at that time you can get a picture of you in your car on the track.

I would like to find someone in the club to start a list of car shows within 100 miles and keep it current for us to discuss. These have shown to help us grow our membership and meet new potential members. If you are interested in tak-ing this function on, please let me know.

There is a Cruise-in Ribfest on Sunday August 21st at Conneaut Lake Park from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm if anyone is interested. Drivers are admitted free, and all passengers are $5.00 gate entry. This is a great drive and a fun loca-tion so if you would like to lead our group to this Ribfest let me know. This is promoted by the Presque Isle Corvette Club in Erie, Pa.

If anyone knows of a car show or other events of possible interest for the club lets discuss these at our upcoming picnic.
Just a short reminder of our September meeting on the 15th.

That’s all for now, looking forward to seeing everyone at the August 18th pic-nic and don’t forget to bring your beverage and name tags.


July 2022

July is here and the CCCC activities are in full swing. Our first event is the July 4th parade in Warren on Monday July 4th. The plan is for a departure on Monday from the Warren Walmart parking lot at 9:00 am promptly to the parade staging area. If any member would like to have breakfast before the pa-rade, we will meet at Bob Evans at 7:45 am. At this point we have 8 cars from the club and anyone that wants to join us just be at the Walmart parking lot prior to 9:00 am. The parade starts at 11:00am, but staging sometimes changes so getting to our area early is required. The parade route this year is the same as last year as the traffic pattern changes have been de-layed and once we are in the actual parade it generally takes 45 minutes to go through the entire route. Hope to see more mem-bers in some of these upcoming events.

Next, we have the car show at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club on July 17th starting at 10:00 am. We normally have eight to ten members participate and we usually have a good time and it is a great location. This is, also, a good time to promote our club to new members.

The Corvettes of Buffalo are having a charity cruise (Kids Against Drugs) on August 7th that requires you to pre-register by July 17th. Fred Mackowiak is coordinating this event for our club for those that are interested. Contact him for any questions that you may have. He sent out an e-mail on this cruise on June 19th so most of the details were attached at that time or you can go on Corvettes of Buffalo’s web site for forms and details. I would like to thank Fred for stepping up to coordinate this outing for our club.

Diane Paterniti has been organizing a cruise on Lake Erie on the Victorian Princess for July 24th and she has sent out information on this event several times. Refer to her June 29th e-mail to all members. Please contact Diane if you have any questions. Thank you, Diane, for handling this club function.

With the weather finally turning in our favor, let's get out and enjoy these great cars on our local country roads. I mentioned that Sandy and I are plan-ning to have a mystery cruise in the near future with more details to follow.

That’s all for now and I hope to see some members at these upcoming func-tions. I would like to wish everyone and their families a very Happy and Safe 4th of July.


June 2022

We had a good turnout for our May meeting, and I am hopeful that June’s meeting will be the same or even have more members attending. The summer has been slow to start, but it should not reduce our en-thusiasm on getting involved with club activities. A few things to keep in mind as we begin June. Just a reminder that the June meeting is on the 16th at 6:00 pm at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club. Before the club meeting there is a group of us who meet at the Rod & Gun for dinner. If any club member, who is not a member of the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club, would like to join us you may do so with a current Lakewood Member as a guest. They have great meals; however, they only accept cash as payment. If anyone would like to join other club members for dinner as a guest prior to the meeting just meet us in the bar area at 4:30. We would enjoy having other corvette club members start to be-come part of this dinner group. Just let me know or any club member (CCCC/Lakewood Rod & Gun Club member) if you plan to join us so we can include you that evening

On June 4th there is a car show at Ed Shults in North Warren from 10:00 to 4:00 pm. There is a $10.00 registration fee which is donated to a local charitable organization.

Food will be available, and this will be a good chance for us to promote our club. I will be sending the car show flyer to other corvette clubs to visit the this show and enjoy a nice drive on great country roads in the Allegheny Mountains.

Diane Paterniti has been coordinating a possible Lake Erie Cruise on the Victorian Princess for this summer/fall time frame so if you have not let her know your plans please do so on or before June 17th. She has sent out all the details in an e—mail on 5-27-2022. I know that some cruises are being planned and I would like to discuss other ideas for the club during the June meeting, so come with some additional thoughts that we can talk about. Let’s not forget that these cruises do not have to be day long drives, they may only be for a few hours which is fine. Also, remember that the July meeting/dinner needs to be determined so we can plan for this event at a location other than the Rod & Gun.

Thursday August 18th has been confirmed for our club’s annual picnic at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club’s outdoor pavilion. The picnic will run from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and as always extra help in setting up the tables and getting the corn ready (around 5:00 pm) is welcome. If anyone has some ideas to make our picnic more interesting, let’s discuss these at our meeting so plans can be made, raffles, baskets etc.

The driving season is here so let’s get out and enjoy these cars as they should be. Plan something for the club to do, it is your club and it’s time to contribute on activities. Just want to take a minute to wish all fathers a very Happy Father’s Day.

May 2022

May has arrived and the weather so far has us all wondering if it is still winter or is spring really here.
Either way, one thing is for sure, we can’t do anything about the weather except relocate to another location if we want a change in the climate.

Our club events, so far this season, have not been what I would call a success with the bowling party in March being cancelled because of low interest and the trip to Watkins Glen was, also, cancelled because of the
possibility of wet weather. However, let’s not let these past events spoil our spring, summer and fall driving ex-periences. Plan a cruise or suggest a trip for a weekend destination and send out an e-mail to see how many
members would be interested. Mystery cruises have been a popular function in the past and they are easy to plan. In keeping with this thought process, a local cruise to a restaurant is always an enjoyable weekend club

In May there is a trip planned by Vic & Jane Anderson that I have mentioned in earlier messages and one that Vic has communicated to all the members. Those able to be part of this trip, which departs next week, should have a great time to the area that Vic has planned. Do not forget the May 15th cruise in Sharon, Pa at the Quaker Steak & Lube restaurant held by the Shenango Valley Corvette Club. We just need a member to step up and coordinate the trip. This is always a great time and a nice drive. Our May club meeting will be held at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club on May 19th starting at 6:00 pm. If you are not a member of the R & G, just advise the person at the door that you are there for the Corvette Club meeting.

One last thing to remember this month is a very special day, Sun-day May 8th which is Mother’s Day. I would like to wish all the mothers a wonderful and safe Mother’s Day. Enjoy your special day as you all deserve to be recognized for the dedication and love that you have shown to your family.

April 2022

April has arrived and everyone should be looking forward to getting your car back on the road for some great driving this summer. Although the weather can still be questionable this time of year we can still plan some interesting cruises for the club. Watkins Glen opening weekend starts on Saturday April 9th for those interested in going to the Glen for some track time. If you are planning on going and have not let me know at this point be sure to send me a notice so we do not leave the Park & Ride without you. Departure will be promptly at 7:30 am so please arrive at least 15 to 20 minutes early. Remember to bring completed Adult Waver Forms, but DO NOT SIGN THEM UNTIL we are at the track with the track officials. NOTE: Some things you should know about this year’s track time are as follows.
1. You must go on line to fill out the Adult Waver consent form (minus your signature) and bring it with you. A waver form must be completed for each person in the car.

2. The ticket cost for 3 laps is $20.00 if you purchase these prior to the 9th. You can purchase as many as you want at this early stage. If you wait to purchase tickets at the track, they are $30.00 for three laps.
Tickets can be purchased on line (drive the glen) at the same general
site as the Adult Track Waver forms for each person in your vehicle.
The web site is online at ( NOTE: In order to get the
$20.00 track ticket discount you must use the following code
“wgispecial for a limited time and I do not know what that time frame
is at this time.

3. This year they are also having track photos once again so you can purchase a photo of yourself in your car during the time you are on the track. I am not sure about the cost, but, it is normally around $25 to $30.00. These can be seen prior to purchase if you elect to buy one. They usually put these up on their web site a few days after the date of your visit. Simply find the date and approximate time of your visit. Note: They sometimes use our clubs name to help you locate the photos.
4. Do not forget to bring your two way radios.

On another topic, our first meeting is on Thursday April 21th at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club starting at 6:00 pm. If you are not a member, just let the person at the door know that you are here for the Corvette Club meeting and they will let you in. Let’s start the season out the right way and have a great turn out for our first official meeting. Regarding the April 21th meeting one topic that I would like to cover is club events that seem to be losing interest with our members. What ideas can you think of that maybe something of interest for the club? The Quaker State & Lube cruise-in in Sharon this year is on Sunday May 15th and details can be found on the Shenango Valley Corvette Club’s website.

That’s all for now, as I noted above, let’s start the new season out right with a good member turn out for the April 15th meeting.

Sandy and I would like to wish all members and their families a very Happy and Blessed Easter.

March 2022

I hope this message finds that everyone has survived the winter and is looking forward to spring and driving our cars once again.
The weather, over the last few weeks here in the north, reminds us that winter is still around even with spring only about a month away.
Some of you may have heard that the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club was temporarily closed for a brief period of time; however, I believe that it has now reopened and will remain our meeting location unless things change. Do not forget that our first official meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 21st at 6:00 pm.
The March bowling party is coming up on March 17th which is the third Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Jamestown Bowling Company on Foote Avenue. I would appreciate everyone that plans to attend to let me know, as soon as possible if they are planning to attend, so I can determine how many members will be com-ing . Remember, you do not have to bowl to attend this club function. The club will be furnishing pizza and wings. Please let me know no later than March 11th.It is, also, time to be thinking about some club
activities for the coming season. The bowling party in March is the next club function (which was mentioned above) before we have our
first official club meeting at the Lakewood R & G club which will be held, as noted, on April 21st at 6:00 pm. In April we, also, have the
opportunity to get on the track at Watkins Glen on Saturday April 9th. I did not want to wait for everyone to respond, as the time slots were
being filled fast. With that in mind, this is what I have done to reserve a spot for our club on the 9th. Our club has a line up time at 10:30 am on the 9th. It takes at least three hours to get to the track from Jamestown so we should plan to depart the Park & Ride (off I86 exit 12) by no later than 7:30 am. The cost this year is $20.00 for a three lap ticket and you can pur-chase as many tickets as you want. However, after each three lap run you will need to get off the track and get back in line for your next run on the track. Depending on the number of cars it is hard to determine how long it would take between each track run. At this point in time I have 5 cars signed up and have slots for at least 10 cars. I will need to confirm our final car count one week before the 9th so that the track knows how many from our club will be attending. This is a great opportunity to drive the world famous track and to even get your car photographed during your time on the track.
It is, also, time to be thinking of club activities for the summer so we can get a schedule out to our membership. Most of you know that Vic Anderson has a May trip planned to
the Tail of the Dragon in the Tennessee/NC area from May 2nd to the 6th depending on how the members want to return home. Vic has all the details and I am sure most every-one that wants to go on this trip has already made their hotel reservations. If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact him for more details. I want to thank Vic for planning this club function. There are other road trips that could be planned it just takes someone to start the ball rolling with an idea and an e-mail to see how much interest there would be.
Several club members have ordered or received their new C8 corvettes so we should see a few of them this driving season as we get ready for some cruising this summer.
That’s about all for now; please let me know about the bowling party and Watkins Glen trip as soon as
possible, thanks.

Nov, 2021

November has arrived and regrettably we have to think of next spring to once again safely drive our cars unless you have a home down south. This season has been a mixed bag of both weather and COVID impacts on club events. Even our long standing BBQ Company, that we have used for our club picnics for sev-eral years, is looking to sell its business. The lack of business and finding reliable help has had a major impact on many small businesses. Inflation is on the rise and this will likely mean addi-tional lost sales for many of the smaller companies.
On the brighter side of things, Andy McLean and Diane Pater-niti are planning our clubs Christmas Party which will be on Saturday December 4th so make sure that you mark this date down on your calendar. More details will be available on this club event in the next few weeks.

Speaking of next season, I have been in contact with the people at Watkins Glen and they have started to entertain more track time for clubs throughout the season. This means that we can possibly get on the track throughout the summer months and de-pending on the number of cars and the time of day we would like to get on the track, it may be possible to get more than three laps. I will keep everyone up dated on this as we get closer to the opening date in April of 2022. At least the track is willing to open the facilities up to more customers all season long. Like most businesses, they are looking for more ways to increase in-come to help offset increased cost of track operations.

On another topic, I have been thinking about my message for the newsletter and I am going to try to find an article on corvettes to include each time to change the format and hopefully make that part of the newsletter more interesting
There are no club meetings from December through the month of February, however, we will plan to have our annual bowling party on March 17th at the Jamestown Bowling Company on Foote Avenue so mark that date down. Our first formal club meeting in 2022 will be on April 21st. If we have enough interest in going to Watkins Glen in April, we should discuss this at the November meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday November 18th at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club starting at 6:00 pm. Let’s plan to discuss some possible club functions for next season at that meeting. Also, if you can think of some topics that would be of interest for the club meetings, plan to share them with the group on the 18th.

That’s all for now and remember our November 18th meeting. Sandy and I would like to wish all club members and their families a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Sept, 2021

September is here and it marks the start of the fall season, for me anyway. Some feel that way when August 1st comes around. Whichever way you look at it we all understand that long warm days are almost over and the weather is likely going to change at any time. However, that does not mean we cannot look forward to some colorful fall foliage in our surrounding areas. Let’s take advan-tage of this and plan a few cruises while we still have the good weather.

I want to thank all those that were able to come to the clubs Annual Picnic at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club on Thursday August 19th. Your support is very important for the future of the club and participating in club functions goes a long way to ensuring the clubs future. Thanks also to all the members that either helped bring needed items needed, such as the corn kettle and burner system for the corn to the picnic along with those that helped with the setting up and taking down of club materials. Special thanks to those that made baskets and helped in coordinating the ticket sales and raffles this year. As you all know, we were looking for a club secretary, Diane Paterniti and Robin Brown stepped up have agreed to be co-secretaries for this position, thank you Diane and Robin.
Note: Next year we could be looking for a new BBQ service as Mike (All American BBQ) is in the process of selling his busi-ness. If he does sell his business he will not be doing any BBQ so I think we should be thinking about an alternative caterer for next year. If he does not sell his business he may offer special catering for private parties such as our picnic.

The September meeting is scheduled for the third Thursday September 16th at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club meeting room starting at 6:00 pm.

NOTE: To the BOD: I would still like to have a meeting before we lose some of our directors/officers to the move south for the winter. BOD please provide me with a day of the week and time that would best for you and the meeting must be done prior to September 16th meeting, thank you. I will provide an agenda prior to the meeting, thank you.

The September fall trip to Maine is fast approaching and it is time to share details on the trip with those interested the details on this planned trip. All hotels rooms have been made and everyone going should have their confirmations at each stop. Routes and time lines are being finalized and I will bring the information to the meeting on the 16th. As past travelers on these trips know, I like to have every-one’s contact in case of emergency (ICE) and their relationship. Example: For Sandy and me it is our daughter Tammy and our son Shawn, with both their home and cell phone numbers. We have never had to use these, but, I believe it is a good idea to have them. Hopefully the travelers also share the trip detail information with their family.

Let’s make the most of the remaining driving season.


Aug 2021

August has arrived and we still have a lot of good weather to look forward to. We have several August functions coming up and need to know who will attend each.

On August 14th at 12:00 noon, we plan to have a picnic for Tim Sa-gurney (weather permitting) at the Mayville Park where we have held a few club meetings. We are asking everyone that plans to at-tend to bring their own sandwich and beverage along with a lawn chair. We are, also, asking for each couple to bring a dish to pass. So far, we have cupcakes and macaroni salad. Please send Sandy an e-mail @ advising your attendance along with what item you plan to bring so we don't have too many duplicate items.

The Annual Picnic is coming up for all members on Thursday, August 19th, at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club Pavilion. It will start at 6:00 pm with dinner scheduled to be served at 7:00 pm. We could use help with set up, take down, and clean up that day. The catering company cannot do the corn this year so Rick Reiff is planning to bring a st burner. Ted Okerlund is going to pick up the stainless steel pot. Without these two items, we would not be able to have corn this year. ALSO, I need to know how many plan to attend the picnic so Mike will be able to order the chickens and items needed for the picnic. If you have already informed me that you plan to attend, there is no need to reconfirm this.

NOTE: Lynn Sagurney has given me the club files on the minutes be-cause she can no longer be Club Secretary with the care needed for Tim and the fact that they have moved to Erie. I want to thank Lynn for her work on various club administration activities over the past years. Lynn and Tim have always been big supporters of the club; however in this situa-tion, we need someone to take over the secretary duties for the club. Let me or any board member know if you are willing to take on this responsibility.
Also, those that plan to go on the September Fall Trip should stay for dis-cussions after the annual picnic so we can go over some details.
Note: I would like to have a board meeting in late August or early Sep-tember and would appreciate the BOD members to let me know which time period works best for them.
That’s all for now. I hope to see a good turnout for Tim’s picnic on August 14th and our Annual Club Picnic on August 19th.


July 2021

The summer is in full swing and we have had only limited activities for vari-ous reasons, but, I think the storm clouds are moving on. The July dinner at the Shorewood Country Club in Dunkirk (July 15th is at 6:00 pm) 4958 W. Lake Rd., Dunkirk, NY is only a few weeks away and if past functions there is any indication it should be another great time. Molly Staley has been doing all the work coordinating this event and she deserves a great big thank you from everyone for stepping up and taking on this annual event, Thank You Mollie.

You remember that I mentioned we are once again allowed back into the meet-ing room at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club for our monthly meetings. New York State has opened up restaurants and etc. to full occupancy. This is good news and we are, also, scheduled to have our clubs annual picnic (August 19th, no formal meeting in August) back at the pavilion at the Rod & Gun, which is same location we held this function for over ten years. It will start at 6:00 pm and generally runs until 9:00 pm. This is the best attended club func-tion that we have during the year and help is always welcomed (5:00 pm) for set-up and corn shucking. All American BBQ will be handling the food once again. I would like someone to furnish a propane heater and to pick up a large SS pot from All American BBQ (call Mike at 716-499-6030, he has already agreed to let us use his large kettle) for the corn. Let me know if you are will-ing to be responsible for this area, thanks. However, (AABBQ), will not be preparing the chickens at the pavilion this year, but will be serving and sup-pling, everything as they have done in the past, except for handling the corn. I will be starting a list of those that plan to attend so let me know your plans as soon as you can. We, also, need someone to step up and be in charge of bas-kets that we raffle off at the picnic.

Just a short reminder about the August 14th picnic for Tim Sagurney. Mark your calendars so you do not miss this picnic at the Mayville, NY park picnic area.

Travel restrictions in many states have, also, been either relaxed or eliminated so plan something for this summer that the membership can take part in. We have had mystery cruises in the past and they were a big success. This is an easy thing to do just send out an e-mail to see how many would like to be part of this with a date and the timing. Sandy and I have an idea for one in the future, details to come. Just a plain old day cruise with a packed lunch and a ride to a cool spot with the enjoyment of our local scenery along the way.

It is time to get active again and take advantage of the relaxed restrictions to travel some of the great country roads in our general area. Like one of the local car deal-erships always say, “It is time to get out and play”.

I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy July 4th weekend.


June 2021

June has arrived and it seems that the country is starting to reopen as some states relax a few of the COVID restrictions. The club is also starting to get a handle on some possible events for this season and hopefully we get our club back into the driving mode. The vaccines are becoming more available and more people are getting their shots, which should help limit the COVID. The country is trying to get back to opening up more of the day to day ac-tivities, but, in my option this could take a long time. Some states are more aggressive than others in opening and as we know things could change at almost any moment.

I have been looking at a fall trip to the New England area, which many of us have been to before. However, it is hard to find areas that members have visited before and a time period that works for all those interested in this trip. Timing and the COVID situation will likely impact those interested and regrettably, whatever sched-ule is finalized it will not work for all interested in this type of trip for seven to eight days. The trip will mainly end up in the Maine coastal area with side trips for everyone to develop on their own, if they have an interest in planning this type of venture. More details on the fall trip will be sent out in the next few days as my last mes-sage on the trip generated several responses of conflicts for some on the timing.

I mentioned at our last club meeting that I will be sending out a survey to the membership via e-mail in order to get some feedback on a few sub-jects. When you get the survey you can print it and mark your responses and mail it to the club post office box or bring it to the June meeting so we can discuss it at that time. The June meeting is scheduled for Thursday the 17th at the Lakewood Rod & Gun clubs pavilion starting at 6:00 pm.
Sandy and I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Holi-day and remembered those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can en-joy the freedoms we have today.

May 2021

May has arrived and to be honest, I thought we would be further along with the status of COVID-19 by this time. With that said, I continue to have a much better feeling about this year’s club func-tions and picnic. Speaking about activities for the club this season, let me clear up a few questions on several areas.

First, with regards to club meetings, our meetings will be held at various locations for this season and as always things could change, however, the May meeting will be held on Thursday May 20th at 6:00 pm. at the Mayville Park, the same location as our first meeting. The June and Septem-ber meetings will be held at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club pavil-ion starting at 6:00 pm. We will advise the location of the October and November meetings at a later date.

Our July dinner/meeting will be held at the Shorewood Country Club in Dunkirk on July 15th at 6:00 pm. Mollie Staley has set this up and will be providing more details at the May meeting. I want to thank Mollie for coordi-nating this club function and if anyone would like to help her with the details, I am sure she would appreciate any help offered. Our annual picnic cannot be held at the Rod & Gun Club this summer and we are in the process of determining a location for this year’s picnic. In checking into a possible fall trip, I have learned that many states still have restrictions on restaurant capacity and it is anyone’s guess on what the situation may be in the fall.With this in mind, it seems most members are more comfortable with weekend trips and or short cruises than a week or ten day trip. Let’s be thinking about what we can do for fun with our cars either for a long weekend or a day long cruise. During our Sunday’s trip to the Quaker Steak & Lube in Sharon, Pa. the Shenango Valley Corvette Club mentioned a May 15th Bair’s Corvette Shop for a classic cruise-in at 316 Franklin Street, Linesville, Pa. For more details you can visit Bair’s web site. This would make a great drive and a place to see some corvette history as they have done a lot of corvette restorations over the years. Sandy and I cannot participate, as we have company visiting that weekend, but a member could set this up and lead the group.

If anyone can think of other activities that we could possibly include in our sum-mer calendar, please share it by sending out an e-mail with a few details. It takes time to get everyone’s feedback and make plans, so the earlier you can send out the information the better. Also, if you know of any car events within a few hours of Jamestown please, also, share that with the membership.

That’s all for now and I hope to see everyone at the May meeting. Wishing all club mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day and may everyone enjoy a safe and wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.


April 1, 2021

The driving season is approaching for the coming season and once the roads are washed down with some spring showers getting the cars out of storage is very near. Time will tell what type of spring we are heading for, but, let’s all hope for the best and make plans with that in mind.

April is our first club meeting for the new season. Our meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month unless specific plans are made for a different outside location. Using this format our first meeting this year will be held on Thursday April 15th at the Lake-wood Rod & Gun Club in Lakewood, NY. Our meetings start at 7:00 pm and generally last no longer then one hour.

I know that during the last season we could not meet as normal and I am hoping that this restriction is somewhat less this year so we can start more club activities. I plan to contact other clubs in our general area and discuss activities that perhaps we could invite/join their club in expanding our seasonal functions. The Shenango Valley Corvette Club, which holds the Quaker Steak & Lube Corvette Show, is currently planning to hold this function on April 24th. This event generally starts at 9:00 am and is very well attended and we would need to get there fairly early to get a mid-lot space for our cars. This is just one event that I have discussed with other clubs and I would encourage everyone to contact other corvette clubs and see what they are planning for the coming season. I would like everyone to be prepared to discuss this topic at our April 15th meeting.

The trip to Watkins Glen has generated only two members interested and they will be going to this event on Saturday April 10th for the 11:00 am track time slot. If anyone would want to join them, the two members that are going are, Bob Ball and Chris Bernhardt. That’s all I have for now, except to ask that we have a great turn out for our first meeting of the season. I do realize that we still have many members down south that would be attending this meeting if they were back north. For those members not able to attend the April meeting please send any thoughts you have for this seasons activities either via e-mail or provide them to other club members.


Dec 2, 2020

The year is coming to a close and it certainly has been one for the history books. We have all had to change our daily lives for many reasons, but, mainly because of the coved-19 virus. With virus cases on the rise, at this time, many states are looking at new lockdowns which most people do not agree with. This makes the holiday season more difficult for everyone and makes some family plans much more uncer-tain. Holiday shopping and traveling is just part of the un-known areas that we are heading into this time of year. When you add this to the recent election situation and the impact that this can have on all of us, this season is one that we will all remember. On the optimistic side, let us look to the future with hope and optimism as vaccines are almost here and with this we have a very good chance of getting back to a much more normal life style next year.

This means we can start to make plans for club events in 2021, including a fall trip and possibly even a weekend cruise to a special scenic area within a reasonable distance from Jamestown. Even with all the unknowns we are facing this season we still have a lot to be thankful for and it is a good time to think about helping others less fortunate than most of us. When you give to others it always comes back to you at some point and makes you feel a lot better as a person. Everyone has their own way of reaching out to others even through volunteering at this time of year as there are many organiza-tions that can use a helping hand.

I want to send a special thanks to Greg, Diane and Andy for once again planning this year’s Christmas Party scheduled for Friday December 4th at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel.

Sandy and I want to wish everyone and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and stay safe. Gary

Nov 3, 2020

November has arrived and all the same questions re-main on everyone’s minds, what will happen in the fu-ture as it relates to the covid-19 pandemic. Obviously, no one knows for sure what the future will look like for our area and the entire country. One thing we can do, however, is to use good judgement and practice CDC guidelines. Our club has restarted our monthly meetings at the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club, however, just a reminder they are now being held on the third Thursday of the month, starting at 7:00 pm. Our next club meeting will be held on November 19th and this will, also, be our last club meeting for 2020. The first official club meeting for next year will be in April 2021. Remember the club will be having our Christ-mas Party on Friday, December 4th. Diane Paterniti and Andy McLean are handling all the details and have already sent out some of the information for this year’s party.

In 2021 we will once again be having our annual bowling party in March at the Jamestown Bowling Company on Foote Avenue in Jamestown, NY. I will let everyone know the date and time for this club function. April 15th of 2021 will be the clubs first official club meeting of next year so be sure to mark your calendars for these up-coming events. We should be thinking about a trip to Watkins Glen if they are allowing track time. I will continue to keep you all posted on club news and activities as they are de-fined. Do not forget to get your next year’s dues sent in anytime between now and the end of January 2021. Gary Sandy and I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.

October Meeting Minutes
President Gary called the October 15, 2020, meeting to order, of the CCCC with 13 members present. The new meeting time will be the third Thursday of the month @ 7:00 P.M. The Christ-mas Party will be held @ the Harbor Hotel in Celeron,N.Y. on December 4, 2020. The club will make a donation towards every-one's dinner, bringing the cost to $ 25.00 / per person. If anyone wants to stay overnight, rooms available @ $89.00 a night. Email will be out with dinner choices. Send your order with payment to club P.O.Box or bring to November meeting. Discussion was held for spring events: Bowling Party in March, Watkins Glen (April), spring trip if possible. Sunday Oct. 18, 2020, meet at the Warren Walmart parking lot @ 11:00 a.m. for a cruise to Riverside Brew-ery. The meeting ended with a 50/50. Submitted by Lynn Sagurney

Oct 2, 2020

Summer is coming to a close for our area, but we still have time to enjoy our cars before we put them into storage. The weather, along with the virus, has had an impact on the clubs activities this summer. We hope that the virus is more in check next year and will allow us to return to a more normal club event schedule which will include our bowling party in March or our visit to Watkins Glen in April along with our annual 7 to 10 day trip either in the spring or the fall. We still have time to get out and enjoy the beautiful colors in our area in the coming weeks. From what I have read the color this year is supposed to be outstanding, which can change dra-matically with weather changes. Earlier I sent everyone an e-mail about my conversation with a Lakewood Rod & Gun Club board member and that I asked if our club could resume our monthly meeting at the R & G. I was advised that we can restart the club meetings and that we will be able to hold them on a Thursday evening which has opened up after changes to the usage of the R & G clubs meeting room. The meeting schedule will begin on the third Thursday, October 15th at 7:00 pm followed by our last meeting of the year on Thursday November 19th. Note: The web site and club application has been corrected to reflect this change.

The clubs Christmas Party date has changed from Saturday December 5th to Friday the 4th. Greg and Diane Paterniti along with Andy will be providing all the details in the coming weeks. The date change was neces-sary because of the possible closure of the original restaurant location for December.
I am hopeful with the club restarting our monthly meetings that we can get our club events for next season back on to a more normal schedule. Also, with the meetings starting in October we still need to practice good covid-19 standards with social distancing and wearing mask when not sit-ting and moving around in group settings. Even though we are able to hold our meetings we still need to keep safety in mind for the good of all of our members and that of the R & G club members.
That’s all for now and I hope we can have a good showing for our first of-ficial club meeting for 2020. Stay safe and remember to practice the covid-19 standards when possible.